Breakfast Hojicha Genmai
The Cultured Cup Green+
$ 0.00
approx servings
Hojicha's savory and smooth, toasted grain flavor comes from roasting green tea and rice.
Tea Type or Tisane | Flavors: Green+ | wild rice, sticky rice, brothy, velvety-smooth
Tea Tips: A breakfast tea. Roasting lowers the caffeine. Drink before bed.
Ingredients: Roasted Japanese green tea, mochi rice
How to Steep: 1.5 tsp, 8 oz water, 185–205°F, 3–5 min
Fun Fact: During World War II, the Japanese roasted green tea to lengthen its shelf life. Hojicha Genmai is called "popcorn tea" because when heated, some of the rice grains pop.
Similar Teas: Iron Goddess of Mercy, Toasted