Japan, Thé des Samouraïs Tin
Japanese Samurai lived by a code of conduct combining loyalty, martial arts mastery, and honor. Through performing the tea ceremony, the warriors added calm focus to their physical and mental skills sets. This flowery sencha is a cup of calm.
This 100 gm (3.5 oz) tin has the word Cha (tea) gracefully written in Kanji calligraphy.
Tea Type or Tisane | Flavors: Green+ | mint, floral, citrus, fresh, vanilla, silky smooth
Tea Tips: Best enjoyed without milk. A soothing and refreshing cup any time of day.
Ingredients: Organic Japanese sencha green tea, all organic ingredients: mint, rose petals, flavoring, citrus, cornflower
How to Steep: 1–1.5 tsp, 8 oz water, 175°F. Steep 3–4 min.
Fun Fact: Samurai identity was built on a foundation of discipline, ritual, purification, and selflessness—all principles of Zen Buddhism.
Similar Teas: Hand-Plucked Sencha, Shade-Grown Sencha, Kukicha
The label Jardin Premier+ is reserved for organic teas whose exceptional purity meets the strict European regulations (ED) No. 834/2007 and (EC) No. 396/2005.