Crêpe Earl Grey Tin
This Crêpes Suzette of black tea is flavored with creamy vanilla and candied citrus.
The decorative purple and silver tin contains 100 gm (3.5 oz) of flavored black tea.
Tea Type or Tisane | Flavors: Black+ | creamy, delicate citrus and floral, honey, vanilla, silky mouthfeel
Tea Tips: Delicious with or without milk and sugar. A P.M. dessert or pick-me-up.
Ingredients: Chinese organic black tea, organic flavorings
How to Steep: 1 tsp, 8 oz water, 212°F, 4–5 min
Fun Fact: Crêpes Suzette is a dessert dish consisting of a folded crêpe (a thin pancake) served hot with a flambéed (set on fire) orange liqueur sauce.
Similar Teas: Earl Grey Impérial by Mariage, Earl Grey French Blue by Mariage, Russian Breakfast by Mariage
The label Jardin Premier+ is reserved for organic teas whose exceptional purity meets the strict European regulations (ED) No. 834/2007 and (EC) No. 396/2005.