Coconut "Strawberries"

A delicious snack that pairs beautifully with our Noix De Coco Tea
A great dessert for a holiday potluck
Box them up in a fancy tin with a few ounces of our Noix De Coco Tea for a classy and elegant home-made hostess gift
6 oz package strawberry jello
1 cup finely ground almond meal
1 cup shredded unsweetened coconut flakes
¾ cup condensed milk
1-2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Red sugar crystals (available on line or at craft stores)
strawberry hulls (available on line)
or shape hulls using Green candies (green fruit chews or jellies work well)
You can also just make them without the hulls as photographed.
1. Combine the jello – almond meal – coconut flakes and condensed milk and stir
until well mixed
2. Stir in lemon juice to your taste
3. Using about a tablespoon of mixture, form into strawberries, insert the ‘hulls’
4. Roll in the red crystal sugar
5. Place in paper cases and allow to dry
Will keep for up to 2 weeks May be kept at room temp or refrigerated
Note: If you want to use up the whole can of condensed milk, use 2 packages jello - and add 1 ¾ cups each of the almond meal and coconut flakes.
If the mixture is too soft – just add a couple of tablespoons more of the meal and
coconut flakes
This was a tried and tested recipe, brought to you courtesy of Kyra Effren.