'How to Taste' Series Coming This Fall

Please join us on Saturdays this fall from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at The Cultured
Cup for an exciting and informative sensory and tasting experience. During
this four-part series, “How to Taste,” we’ll learn how to use all of our senses
to explore and better enjoy the wide, wonderful world of tea and tisanes.
Seating is limited! Below are the dates and topics for each session:
September 28: “How to Taste Part 1: Aromas and Flavors” will explore the
science of tasting and how to better describe the flavors we experience. Using both sensory memory and a tasting chart, we’ll taste a variety of teas/tisanes and share our findings!
October 12: “How to Taste Part 2: Mouthfeel” will jump to the next level of
tasting by learning about the variety of body sensations experienced as we
drink teas/tisanes, how to describe them, and how they contribute to flavor
and enjoyment. We’ll also discuss what these body sensations may say
about a particular tea’s or tisane’s quality.
October 26: During “How to Taste Part 3: Pairing Teas/Tisanes with Food,”
we’ll try some teas/tisanes together with food, discuss which combinations
worked and why, and then try to agree on some general guidelines for
successful tea/tisane and food pairings, whether for a snack, a meal, or a
special event!
November 9: Finally, in “How to Taste Part 4: Blind Tasting” we’ll put our
learning to the test by sampling a variety of teas/tisanes without being told
what they are. We’ll use our tasting chart and sensory perception to try and
identify each example before the “big reveal”! Our goal will be both to
expand our experiences and find something new that we love!